Main downloads

Too Many Files 1.9.2 Scarica Visualizza tutto
Little Helper 2.7.1 Scarica Visualizza tutto
FasterTranslate 1.4.7 Scarica Visualizza tutto
Stripe Button 3.9.08 Scarica Visualizza tutto


Too Many Files system plugin

Versioni disponibili

Too Many Files - speed up your Joomla!

Join, Minify, move js libraries, scripts and css files to speed up your Joomla!

Additionally, loads jQuery and mootools from a CDN.

Extensive options allow to enable/disable based on component, user group, page id.

Stripe Payment

Versioni disponibili

Receive money via Stripe on any of the many extensions that support the Common Payment API

Set up in minutes, and start accepting money now!

This plugin provides the Stripe payment flow for single vendor or multivendor with payouts.  This means that the site owner will always receive the payment in full, then it will be necessary to handle the payouts from the backend if multiple vendors act on the same site.  Should you want to handle payouts automatically, then an additional plugin will be necessary: The Stripe Connect plugin.

This extension is NOT free, but requires a Stripe Payment Subscription: create one now!

Read the main documentation.


Versioni disponibili

Replace all emails in your website

with a link to your contacts page.

Please find all info on the Project home

Simple AccessKeys system plugin

Versioni disponibili

simpleaccesskeys logoSimple AccessKeys

Add keyboard navigation for accessibility.

Automatically works for most templates, easy to configure for all others. No core hacks!

Simple AccessKeys system plugin Pro

Versioni disponibili

simpleaccesskeys logoSimple AccessKeys Pro

Add keyboard navigation for accessibility.

Automatically works for most templates, easy to configure for all others. No core hacks!


Versioni disponibili

easyhttps logo

enable https made easy.

Stripe Connect

Versioni disponibili

stripe connect 128Receive money via Stripe using split payment and automatic fees.

This plugin provides the Stripe Connect flow to complement the Stripe Payment plugin for single vendor or multivendor with payouts.  This means that the site owner will receive their commission, and the vendor their share minus the Stripe fees.

This extension is NOT free, but requires a Stripe Connect Subscription: create one now!

Read the main documentation.

Admin Extensions

Joomla Little Helper

Versioni disponibili

A collection of tools for your Joomla administrator:

  • favicon generator
  • apple-precomposed icons generator
  • htaccess and humans.txt editor
  • Trash and Cache: a handy tool to help you clean your cache and recycle bin with one click.

Antivirus note: currently Little Helper raises a warning in Avast and some other AV engines due to its use of system calls for speed. We test both the component and the sites regularly with malware scanners: and no user params (not even from the config) go into the system calls unless they're thoroughly cleaned: Little Helper has no cross path or other dangerous vulnerabilities.  Find more details here.

Faster Translate

Versioni disponibili

Quickly access translations of your content straight from the edit or list views.

Read more

Stripe Button

Versioni disponibili

stripe button 128Requires the Stripe Payment Plugin.

Replaces simple shortcodes with a Stripe Payment Button and handles after payment emails.




This package includes the two plugins Stripe Button, which implements the above, and Stripe Xtd, which adds a convenient button below your editor.


Mod Rixx Countdown

Versioni disponibili

A very basic countdown module, with simple configuration: just add the date to countdown to in the backend, and let it print the countdown.

Faster Content - with Spritz

Versioni disponibili

Spritz your text!

Spritz is the new trendy feature shipped on Samsung S5 phones, allowing you to halve the time it takes to read (simple) text.

Tweak the extensive configuration or use a template override, see the project's page for full info