Stripe Plugin Roadmap and Changelog
The Stripe Plugin, Stripe Connect Plugin, Stripe Button Plugin and Stripe Editor Button Plugin all follow the same roadmap, but some updates only apply to a specific plugin, so the latest available version may be different.
A detailed changelog is available in the ./plugins/payment/stripe/README.php file.
Version 3-Version 3.6:
- Update to SCA - PSD/2 regulations, then progressively add JTicketing JGive and Quick2Cart v.3 (on TJ-Vendors and stand-alone).
- New webhooks schema
In the 3.6 release the webhooks schema changed, so if you are updating from an earlier version, you need to re-create the webhooks, and if you are using Connect, authorise the new webhooks on the Stripe Dashboard.
Version 3.7.1 .. 3.7.6: beta
Version 3.7.7+
- Release Candidate now in maintenance, it receives only bugfixes.
Version 3.8: (active development version)
- Migrate webhooks and warn users if old webhooks (<3.7) are found;
- Implement a way smoother onboarding for Vendors in Stripe Connect (3.8.10)
- Add MultiStripe functionality (instead of Connect, use the Vendors' own Stripe accounts) (3.8.6)
- Full configuration UX rewrite, both for the main configuration and the vendor's (3.8.15)
- Added Joomla 4.1, PHP 8.1 new test scenarios for all supported applications, plus of course direct payment buttons (3.8.12)
- Note: due to a change in Joomla apis between 4.0 and 4.1, version 3.8 is compatible with Joomla 4.1+ only after 3.8.16
- Add compatibility to fully-compliant Common Payment API external applications through notify_url 3.8.26
- Ensure item and user data is passed consistently to Stripe;
- On Stripe Connect, show the Vendor name & id on the Stripe Checkout page.
Version 3.9:
- Improved graphics for the plugins
- New dedicated website to showcase the plugin properly
- New feature to test the installation from the website
- Code cleanup and refactoring
- Update docs
- Video guides
- Translate plugins and main pages to Italian
- Repackaging. One package per each scenario;
- Stripe Plugin package will include: Stripe Plugin, Stripe Button, Stripe Editor Button;
- Stripe Connect Plugin package will include: Stripe Plugin, Stripe Button, Stripe Editor Button, Stripe Connect;
- so in each scenario users will need only install a single package. The older downloads will be maintained throughout v.3.9;
- Try and make it possible to install packages over the current plugins;
- Prevent Stripe Connect blocking error if installed without Stripe Payment (which is solved by the packages above anyway)
Version 4.0:
- Same as 3.9, the numbering will be updated after Stable is reached.