This is the basic membership: access premium content (downloads) and open consultancy tickets.

Setup and configure your Stripe plugin, button, connect.
Please understand that for security reasons we may not accept to act on your behalf on your Stripe account. DO NOT send us your password!
If you do so, we'll have to cancel your account and refund you.
What do we need?
- A new super-user login named "fasterjoomla" with a password generated from https://dinopass.com or the like, with superuser privileges
- Your Stripe e-mail
- You Stripe keys:
- Test Publishable key
- Test Secret key
- Live Publishable key
- Live Secret key
We will guide you, also in screensharing, to acquire them, in a videocall. Discuss your requirement then proceed to implement the configuration.

Access to our 360° consultancy services regarding any of your Joomla requirements (not just our extensions!). For example:
- Server crash
- Server cracked
- Component review
- 3rd party component customization/fix

This is a major step in website optimization.
This support option includes:
- A complete review of the website speed;
- A security assessment of the website;
- Securing the website;
- All non-coding optimizations including caching both server and clientside;
- A SEO review;
- 6 hours of coding optimizations, including: extension optimization, extension replacement and data migration, css manual optimization and sprite creation
Due to the language knowledge required, we can only offer this service to English or Italian websites.
Note importanti
† Prezzi mostrati in USD ($) sono conversioni approssimate basate sul tasso di cambio di riferimento di 0i 1.08150 pubblicate dalla Banca Centrale Europea. Sono non vincolanti e presentati solo per tua comodità. Vista la natura volatile dei tassi di cambio stranieri, tasse e tassi applicati dalla banca che ha emesso la carta e/o dalle autorità locali, questi sono prezzi approssimati e non riflettono necessariamente il prezzo al quale questa transazione verrà effettuata. Tutti gli acquisti sono addebitati in