Joomla Little Helper - Online manual page
This is the users guide for Joomla Little Helper, formerly known as "Swiss Army Knife for Joomla".
1. Purpose
This extension features several useful functions that help in the initial and everyday job of setting up and mantaining a Joomla! website.
2. A word of caution
The .htaccess features of Joomla Little Helper are extremely powerful and - depending on your experience and your site's configuration - could cause a lot of trouble. All the dangerous functions are disabled by default, and even when you enable them, they will only be enabled once, then revert to disabled.
If you choose to use them, you will receive several prompts instructing you to pay attention and refer to the .htaccess security / troubleshooting guide which is available here. Please do read it, it will tell you how to avoid problems, and how to solve issues that could arise. If you don't read it, you will still be able to recover your website at a later point when you finally decide to read it.
3. License
The code is GPL. This is a free extension, and does not require registration to download
4. Developers please read
Before you make any modifications, please read the information for developers.