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#2 – 404 Error after installation

Salvato in ‘Supporto Joomla Little Helper’
Questo è un ticket pubblico. Chiunque potrà vederne i contenuti. Non includere login, password o altri dati sensibili.
Mercoledì, 12 Giugno 2013 19:50 UTC
If relevant, give us some technical details to reproduce the issue you're reporting Joomla version: 2.5 PHP version: 5.3 Server: apache Server OS: (win/linux/osx) Linux     Hi,    after installation of this component , I started having issues with error 404. I've tried everything but nothing seems to be working I will appreciate your help    
Mercoledì, 12 Giugno 2013 23:04 UTC


I guess you installed an .htaccess file from the SEF page of the component.

If you can access the administrator, go to


and in the top right you can find a "delete .htaccess" or "restore" functions that will solve this.

Otherwise, if you cannot access any part of your Joomla installation, you need to login with ftp or ssh and delete a file named ".htaccess" in the webroot of your website (i.e. where the configuration.php is).  If you can't see it, most likely your ftp client will have an option to show hidden files which needs to be activated first.

If this fails, please open a private ticket with login details (either ftp or ssh) and I will fix it for you.

Questo ticket è chiuso, quindi è di sola lettura. Non puoi più rispondere. Se devi fornire altre informazioni, apri un nuovo ticket e includi il numero di questo per riferimento.