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#3 – Favicon preview in Little Helper

Salvato in ‘Supporto Joomla Little Helper’
Questo è un ticket pubblico. Chiunque potrà vederne i contenuti. Non includere login, password o altri dati sensibili.
Mercoledì, 24 Luglio 2013 01:27 UTC
terence bergagna
Hi, good friend at Faster Joomla. Just wanted to let you know about a small issue with the Little Helper. Seems not to display thumbnails in preview once image file has been uploaded. I have tried several files, and clear cache, and still no thumbnails. Icons are generated and in corect folder, and have been installed to the site. All show up as expected in browser tabs as well. Thanks for producing a great module. Joomla version: 2.5.9 PHP version: Latest Server: (apache/iis and version) Latest Server OS: linux
Sabato, 03 Agosto 2013 08:59 UTC

Hello Terence,

and thank you for your report.  I am not able to reproduce this issue so I'm guessing it may have something to do with your server configuration.  The only difference that comes to mind is that the preview images are loaded from the /images/icons folder, and when you press save they are copied to the template.  So it may have to do with the /images/icons folder or files being 0700, or maybe some .htaccess restrictions. If you post privately the details about your website (the frontend url will be enough) I'll look into it.


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