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#1 – Joomla SEF does not work

Salvato in ‘Richieste Prevendita’
Questo è un ticket pubblico. Chiunque potrà vederne i contenuti. Non includere login, password o altri dati sensibili.
Lunedì, 15 Aprile 2013 13:17 UTC

If relevant, give us some technical details to reproduce the issue you're reporting

Joomla version: 2.5

PHP version: 5.3.11

Server: (apache/iis and version): IIS

Server OS: (win/linux/osx): WinXP Pro

I can't seem to get SEF to work, the test completes successfully, but when I click save my site is still non-SEF.  

Lunedì, 15 Aprile 2013 13:21 UTC

At this time we only support Apache webserver.

You can install Apache Webserver on windows both as a standalone server and as bundled in a WAMP install.

Remember to choose a different port for IIS or Apache, they cannot share it.

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